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My Approach

I offer different coaching packages for different circumstances, goals, and needs. All of them include a free discovery call followed by holistic, transformational coaching based on a combination of different mind-body-spirit techniques. I support and guide you in creating a more fulfilling and compassionate relationship with yourself, (re)discover, remember and be who you came here to be. Everyone has the power to create & live their own best life – including you. It is not about to change who you are, but to support you in harnessing the power of the wisdom you already hold within. You know there’s more to life than “this”.  There is more love, joy, more clarity, more purpose, grace, and ease. And I am here to help you create it and live it. I cannot wait to get to know you.

All my offers are designed with intention, and go deep. Therefore it is very important to me that we both feel confident and trusting of each other as we enter into this life-changing space. If you’re a yes and I am a yes, based on our conversation, we design a program together to meet your needs and create the change and transformation you are looking for.



A gentle reminder

As  coach I am not here to "heal" you. I will hold a safe space for you, while providing deep listening and empathy guiding you on the way to activate your self-healing.

Also I don't treat illnesses and promise no cure or relief from physical or mental suffering. My services do NOT substitute for a psychotherapeutic

or medical treatment. Instead I invite a healthy change without the need of any prescription.


Yoga at Home










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