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How to Maintain a Long-Lasting Change

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

Creating daily habits and rituals help to keep us on track. Establishing a regular self-care routine, whether it is a walk in nature or a bubblebath, listening to a favorite song, or reading a book etc., are valuable and important elements that need implementation.

If you want to go deeper within yourself and create long-lasting changes, I recommend a daily dose or two of Vitamin P, M and J. You may wonder what that could stand for.

P stands for prayer; aligning yourself with the higher power of your understanding morning and night. It takes only a few minutes of your day and you will definitely feel a difference how you feel, how you interact with others, and how miracles start showing up in your life.

M stands for meditation and movement, whether it is a little happy dance, some of your favorite yoga poses, or a walking mediation to get the best of both worlds.

Prayer can be seen as the question and meditation as the listening in your daily spiritual practice.

J stands for journaling, whether you have a gratitude journal, a brag book, or play with vision boards.

All the vitamins will keep you grounded, help you with clarity and understanding, and, as the course in miracles states, will keep you in the so called "vertical." If you want to learn more about it, schedule a discovery call with me and I would love to support you on your journey of self-love and healing. To a Better Healthier YOU!

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